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Eco-friendly Vatican goes even more carbon-neutral as Pope plans new solar power plant.
God and nature light up Vatican
By Nikita Grosser

The Green City: Thousands of panels power the Paul VI audience hall

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Pope Benedict XVI seems to be extremely environmentally conscious as the Vatican seeks to become the first carbon-neutral state in the world. The Vatican is planning to construct a solar farm on some part of its property near Rome.

The site has reportedly been chosen near the medieval village of Santa Maria di Galeria. This plant is expected to be Europe’s largest solar power plant and is estimated to be constructed at a cost of 500 million euros (AUD $922.7 million). The solar farm is expected to generate enough power to supply to 40,000 households. German solar-panel maker SolarWorld AG a company in Bonn (the same company that donated the solar-panels to the Vatican last year) is the rumored developer for the solar plant which is scheduled to be ready by 2014.

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At present the Vatican already has a solar power generator on the top of the Paul VI audience hall, producing approximately 300,000 kilowatt-hours of energy annually. The roof of the Paul IV Auditorium is covered by 2,700 solar panels, which save on hundreds of pounds of carbon dioxide each year. The Pope VI Auditorium has been fitted with over 2,000 solar roof panels, which were donated to the Vatican by SolarWorld AG, this system is estimated to generate approximately 315,000 kwh per year. The solar energy is used to power the lighting, heating and cooling inside the Pope VI Auditorium which is used for weekly worship services, when the weather is not favorable for outside services. When the Auditorium is not in use, the energy produced by the solar energy system is supposedly sent to the Vatican's energy network to help provide energy for other buildings in the Vatican City.

The Vatican’s staff cafeteria is also going to go green, as a solar heating system is going to be installed. Vatican engineers are even looking into converting the horse stables at the Pope’s summer home into a methane powered bio-fuel plant.
SolarWorld AG has recently advised the Pope to go even greener by using an electric car in place of the white armored Mercedes- Benz used by the Vatican at present and calling this new car the “popemobile”.

The Pope and the Vatican are respected by many worldwide so it is possible that many Catholic Churches and individuals alike will follow the example set by Pope Benedict XVI and install solar energy systems of their own.
What's next - Electric Popemobile, of course!