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Earth Day
In the celebration of Mother Earth do we have Earth Day, or Earth Days?!GO!

Celebration of our planet!
What Earth Day is all about and why it calls for a celebration... and how to celebrate it!GO!

Plastic bags must go!
The Supreme Court of India declares plastic to be "something more serious than the atom bomb." . GO!

Make every day earth day!
•Walk or ride a bicycle to school, the park, or the store. Encourage your parents to walk or ride to work, too. This is a great way to help reduce the pollution created by cars, trucks, buses, trains, and airplanes.
•Plant trees. Trees help keep the air clean.
•Do not litter. Pick up litter on the sidewalk, street, beach, or riverbank. This will help keep the environment free of contaminants.
•Create a compost pile for food scraps and plant waste from the garden. This is a good way to cut down on the amount of trash that goes into a landfill. As a bonus, compost helps create rich soil for gardening.
•Recycling is an important part of keeping Earth clean. It is very easy to do. By giving old things a new life we put less pressure on important resources all of us will need in the future to survive.

Confused about when actually Earth day is? It is because Earth Day could fall on either of two days, depending on your preference for when you want to observe it. Some people celebrate Earth Day on the first day of spring (on the vernal equinox, around March 21) while others observe Earth Day on April 22. In either case, the purpose of the day is to inspire appreciation for the earth's environment and awareness of issues that threaten it.

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Earth Day encourages us to love the world we're on!
Day for positive action
Divya Dhamija
APRIL 2013
Gaylord Nelson : Credited to US Senator, Gaylord Nelson (Top right), Earth Day is the largest, most widely celebrated international environmental event. However, the pioneer of the concept is said to be Mr. John McConnell (Top left), a peace activist, among other things. Ira Einhorn (Bottom left), a convicted murderer, is also sometimes credited with founding the celebration.
Earth Day is celebrated on April 22 each year worldwide in order to spread awareness and appreciation of the Earth’s Natural Environment. The observance of this day began at the UNESCO conference in San Francisco in 1969.

The idea is credited to Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, who, after witnessing the destruction of the 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California, was Inspired by the student anti-war movement, and realised that if he could infuse that energy with an emerging public consciousness about air and water pollution, it would force environmental protection onto the national political agenda.

As a result, on April 22, 20 million Americans took out rallies to the streets, parks, and auditoriums to demonstrate for a healthy, sustainable environment. Also thousands of colleges and universities organised protests against the deterioration of the environment. Today, Earth Day is coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network (EDN), founded by Denis Hayes and is celebrated in more than 192 countries every year.

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Last year more than one billion people participated on Earth Day 2012 with the theme: “Mobilize the Earth”.

This year, the theme for the 43rd Anniversary of Earth Day 2013 is “The Face of Climate Change”. This was chosen because of the need to highlight the mounting impact of climate change on individuals around the world.

Climate change is becoming an ever more important issue in our lives. We have come to realise that the modern ways of man place an enormous amount of stress on the Earth that nature simply cannot handle. Some of the climatic problems that are developing today, such as global warming, shortage of water etc, will have adverse effects on people, animals, ecosystems and natural resources on which we all depend.

An Earth Day stamp (US Postage)
Luckily, there are some who are doing their part really well to fix the problem: new age entrepreneurs who see opportunity in creating the new green economy, the activists who organise community action and awareness campaigns, engineers who design the clean technology of the future... and ordinary people who commit to living sustainably.

Numerous communities even celebrate Earth Week, an entire week full of activities focused on environmental issues. Yet, the fight for a clean environment is an uphill task, and still not given the importance required, despite the destructive potential climate change becoming more evident.

Hence every year across the globe, individuals, communities, organisations, and governments are called to acknowledge the beautiful planet we live on and take action to protect. We name this commitment "Earth Day" and celebrate it with environmental campaigns, performances, and action. Or just plant trees.

Earth Day thus provides the opportunity to be a positive environmental action day. When individuals and organisations can come together not only to highlight problems and voice concerns, but take concrete action, no matter how small it may seem.

"One man's eyes can't see the future clear. . .
Two men's eyes can't see the future clear. .

But if two and two and fifty make a million
We'll see that day come round
We'll see that day come round."
- Pete Seeger