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A reel green life
earth Day Network, in partnership with NGO Bichitra Pathshala and educational institution iLEAD – flagged off Earth Reel 2018 GO!

Green Patrol!
With the Kolkata RTO restarting registration so electric vehicles, Kolkata Police lost no time in deploying a fleet of Mahindra E2Os they procured in 2016. GO!

Saying Trees with Durgesh Agrahari
The "Tree Man" was in Kolkata (Calcutta ) for a 3 day visit GO!

Going Green?!

“Going green” is a popular phrase being bandied about these days. Chances are, you have heard it referred to quite a lot. But what does going green mean? In essence, it refers to using various everyday methods to help save the world and its environment. Many people consider going green to be an actual lifestyle; for them, it means basing your actions on working to save the world. From the smallest details to the most sweeping aspects of life, saving the world by implementing a green lifestyle is something that more and more people are aiming to do.

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Faraz Zakir, Earthsmiles.net Writer
Being real and useful
Mother Earth celebrated WED
Second edition of the Mother Earth Foundation's annual day of green activities saw many of the same NGOs participating.

Kolkata 08 June 2018 - Mother Earth Foundation held Eco Celebration at Institute of Psychological and Educational Research (IPER), Prince Anwar Shah Road, Kolkata, referring World Environment Day which was on 5 June. The event started at 3:00 p.m. and lasted till 8:00 p.m. After a small start last year, it was the second WED event organised by Mother Earth Foundation to promote and aware people of the environment and its day by day changing conditions. NGOs and organisations were invited to display their products for sale and show people how waste materials can be used to make other useful products by recycling them. Earthsmiles.net, Green For Life Foundation, Ankur Kala, WWF-India, Hulladek, Soroptimists and many other organisations and NGOs were invited. People from the locality and many places visited the event, to experence a wealyh of green initiatives.

Huladek promoted its ewaste collection - an important service!
Many interesting activities were set up by Mother Earth Foundation for this day. The event started with people active on the streets cleaning of a stretch of Marketplace near Lake Gardens Supermarket. We noticed most people picked thin poly bags and plastic bottles lying on the road which were on the clean side! From these picked waste, recyclable waste were identified and separated.

Inauguration of exhibition cum sale of products made from recyclables was done later. NGO Green For Life Foundation were selling pouches, folders made out of compressed polythene bags. They also pencils with a paper covering - so no wood. WWF-India showcased their work they have done so far conserving the environment.

Hulladek promoted their profession of recycling e-waste: "Even if you have one broken mouse, we'll collect it from your house," said the Hulladek representative. Impressive. Ankur Kala had their delicious edible products and many more handicrafts like paper mache items. Soroptimist had hand bags small and big, made of parachute cloth or umbrella cloth, which is quite interesting as that bag is eco-friendly and water proof, too. There were other eco-friendly bags on display, too, such as the popular jute variety. Some organic food was also on offer, and it quickly sold out.

At 5:00 p.m. seminar and shows were presented by various Environmental Organisations of Kolkata and outside. Despite an erratic soundsystem, most NGOs did manage to get their message across to the audience. Volunteers of Mother Earth Foundation also gave a short entertainment program. A Certificate presentation was deffered, and the certificates would be directly sent to the participants.

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