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Standby power accounts for about 15% of the average electricity bill.
The Energy Vampire: Evil @ Home
By Nikita Grosser

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Phantom Power Survey
Across all age groups,
Kolkata, India

Power off TV from wall switch

Detach mobile charger from outlet after use

Leave computer on/on standby when away for a long time

Survey by Daphne D'Gama


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It lurks in the corners of your house, it hides behind your refrigerator, it’s in your bed room, it’s present at the flip of a switch, it moves through your house and drains on your pockets. This is no dark and mysterious menace - but one that is present in almost all households. We are talking about vampire or phantom power, the standby consumption of electrical devices.

For those of you who don’t know what that means, its simply those electrical equipment that continue to burn energy even when not in use - appliances like power adaptors which have no power off switch, TVs, set-top boxes, DVD players, microwave ovens, computers, digital monitors and printers, air conditioning systems with remote control, phone chargers, some home video game consoles, coffee makers and even refrigerators continue to use electricity when on standby or even when switched off. All these combined may cost you more than you know.

The British Government's 2006 Energy Review found that standby modes on electronic devices were responsible for eight percent of all British domestic power consumption. Another study in France in 2000 found that standby power accounted for seven percent similarly in other developed countries, including the Netherlands, Australia and Japan the estimates of consumption due to standby power are as high as thirteen percent. It is estimated that around seventy five percent of the energy used for typical home electronic devices are wasted in the US. Phantom power or leaking electricity is wastage of energy. It is responsible for fifteen percent of your total bill and your pocket is not the only victim the environment suffers as well. Phantom power sends about one and a half ton of carbon dioxide into the air per house, every year in the US alone. In india, its impact hasn't been studied, but as our survey in Kolkata (100 respondents accross all age groups, but focused on youth) shows, it will be considerable.

This has extremely harmful effects on the environment and the air we are breathing besides the obvious impact to our electricity bill, and load on generation facilities. But there are simple ways in which you can put an end to this menace. The solution starts with you. Here’s how you can help:
* Unplug any unused devices.
* Use power strips also known as plug boards, power boards, socket outlet units, extension leads or simply a strip of sockets that attach the end of a flexible cable and allows multiple devices to be plugged in, for example computer systems and related audio/ video equipment – one switch can put them all off, when not in use.
* At night, or when not about to be used, switch off the power to: TV, DVD player, audio system, satellite radio, computer, powered speaker system, microwave/oven and heater.
* Use the automatic temperature regulator on your air-conditioner (uses less energy cooling when you are asleep), and set your refrigerator thermostat to the correct temperature setting.
* Unplug the refrigerator when you leave for a holiday.
When you’re done charging your cell phone or iPod spend the extra two seconds to unplug your charger.
Consider buying energy saving devices with the Energy Star or BEE label. They waste less energy, save money, and help protect the environment.

Enjoy the video below, and happy phantom hunting!

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