Actors Gaurav Gera and Rohit Gujjar lauded by PETA India for their Act of Compassion...
As COVID19 appears to have no intention of beating hasty retreat, lifestyles have changed.
How are zoo animals coping with the Lockdown, and the lack of crowds? Seems not all are happy about it!
With wearing a face mask or covering the norm in many jurisdictions, there is a confusing variety of options being presented to us.
Some NGOs chose not care for the trees because of the lockdown, while others, including Kolkata's Green for Life Foundation supported by HIDCO guaranteed that no tree would perish for lack of care.
While we stayed home for fear of COVID19, animals lost their inhibitions and played on our streets! Photofeature.
A book draws on investigations by Poorva Joshipura and other researchers into the treatment of animals as part of standard but shocking industry practices. All for For a Moment of Taste...
Unmasking Face Masks
With wearing a face mask or covering the norm in many jurisdictions, there is a confusing variety of options being presented to us.